I guide professionals involved in financial decisions to become decisive whilst being flexible, adaptive and embracing complexity and uncertainty in decision making. Whether you are confident or, by contrast, anxious when deciding, you will discover new tangible ways of increasing your choices!
I am Raluca Filip and I bring together my expertise in financial analysis and risk management experience with my knowledge of the human mind works to provide practical tools and techniques that help one optimise decision making.
Decision Kaleidoscope Program
Learn tools and techniques that give you access to all your inner resources.
These collective trainings are designed as a three step process whiich will give you a full bag of techniques for:
- making better decisions
- tackling crisis and problem solving
- mastering change management
But is not only about learning. With my training you shift your beliefs and mindset in ways that allow you to use the learnings and put them to work easily and congruently.
This service is only available as a complementary service to the collective trainings which are designed to equip you with the needed understanding of the power of non conscious intelligence.
I use a mix of coaching and consultancy to guide you in discovering how to best put to use your inner resources and practice setting and pursuing objectives that are fully reflective of your mission.
I am a partner for companies and teams that want to take decisions with an easy heart and execute them with determination.
Are you looking to value your company or to buy into another company or project and you are faced with a critical question: "how much is it worth it?"
Do you have an investment in mind and want to make an informed decision?
Are you unsure how your company's value would be impacted by the various financing options available?
I bring together my financial expertise and understanding of human-related growth drivers to turn your numbers into a valuation story
Let an expert solve the riddles for you and you can then decide with easiness.
The company was started by Raluca Filip, a financial professional (CFA Chartholder and certified Professional Risk Manager ) who found in NLP both a new passion and a relief from growth stumbles.
About my experience https://www.linkedin.com/in/ralucafilip/
My VISION is that one day unconscious resources will be transformed in personal power so that each of us realizes his/her potential. My MISSION is to facilitate this by providing practical tols and techniques for leaders to use their wholemind intelligence in order to be creative, unbiased and at peace with their decisions.