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Business people can't avoid to overlook financial results and at the same time they have to manage something that is much more complex: humans. In fact the two as intertwined in the sense that your staff alignment and the customer satisfaction will drive your cash generation while on the other hand, your business plan will determine what kind of people you need to attract in your team and in your client portfolio. 


Recognizing this, I take a two way approach when assessing growth opportunities

- as an investment professional and risk manager I look at figures to find what can be optimised and assess the impact

- as a NLP Practitionner I look at the human resource (the teams, the communication within the teams and between teams, the communication with the customer, the motivation drivers for the various team members, the values and how the goals align or not with this etc) to find unharvested opportunities and what needs to chance to ensure that financial goals are reached.

Wild Path


Management consultancy is very much focused on strategy, on goals set based on the vision, values, assumptions accepted by the management. It involves a fair amount of number digging and comes with certain action points but these are all agreed at C-level from which point it depends on the organisation how and what it communicates to the various departments. 


In other words, my work starts with financial modelling of some sort (digging through the numbers) and is completed through organisation modelling. It is about increasing cash generation without unduly affecting the working environment or customer experience (by the contrary these should both benefit). 



Team Talk


It's a change management approach centered around customer experience and working environment which is made possible by NLP techniques and which enables change with minimal internal frictions and limited side-effects. Nowadays, the employee satisfaction and the UX are key to a company's brand value and its sustainability in terms of growth and customers and employees alike are often looking for an experience rather than a service or job. 

What I seek is to reduce execution risk by ensuring that:


- goals are consistent with the human resources available


- teams are setup in an optimal way as often different skills and profiles are required within the same team


- objectives are communicated to the various team members in a way which is relevant to them and which makes them connected, motivated etc (ie. they internalize the goals)


- departments know what and how to communicate with each other (sometimes they seem to speak different languages)


- the mindset is constructive given the goals persuaded


-the detail of info provided to the various members, the frequency of the feedback, the degree of flexibility involved in the work, the motivation tools used are all adjusted to reflect their expectations


- the communication with the customers is recognizant of their unicity.



Numbers such as financial results, KPIs, survey results, industry stats, macro figures provide the starting point for identifying areas were more could be achieved as well as insights about risks, factors driving shortfalls or opportunities.


As a financial professional I am passionate about digging through the numbers and working with them to model what could change and what the results would be. From financial analysis to projections I provide an independent view and work with companies to understand their risk appetite and then maximise results accordingly. 


When it comes to projections, I am mindful of the organisation's setup and I also looked at what could be achieved by optimizing teams, communication within teams and outside company.

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