The uncomfortable truth is that we use too much of our intelligence to look for excuses.
Whether we are procrastinating a decision or analysing the reasons for below expectations results we are quick to build narratives that put external factors at the center.
Research provides irrefutable evidence with self attribution bias widely acknowledged.
We even observe it in others' behavior.
When it comes to our own though we tend to think our situation is different... unless we make a conscious effort to self question.
Ego can easily get in the way. In a drive to protect our ego we end up disempowering ourselves. Short term comfort can turn into greater discomfort when the bill comes due.
I believe that an increasing number of leaders are willing to put the ego to the side for the benefit of self improvement. Many look at me with disbelief... especially if we refer to finance sector.
Yet ego cannot withstand disruption.
Ego cannot outperform AI.
The finance expert's advantage over AI lays in adaptive intelligence and that's starts with becoming conscious of how we can use more of intelligence.
For those ready to take that leap I provide the perfect toolkit in the upcoming workshop, on 19th February.
You'll get strategies for self challenging how you deal with uncertainty and focusing on your choices.
Do you think growing AI adoption will help humans in becoming more self consciousness?