😉I offer skills that allow you to make better use of your technical skills.
Many decisions and estimates fail despite strong technical knowledge and experience. They do so cause we are biased (sometimes by our hard skills), too fearful or over optimistic, filtering out certain info, too tight on our perspectives etc
The decision edge is in being conscious of how these can fog your judgement and using techniques to manage them.
🔪I'd say these are sharpening skills, not soft skills.
⚠️Beyond skills, I offer you new beliefs.
The problem with building skills alone (whatever their type) is that they don't automatically translate into new behaviors.
We often know what to do,
how to do
and still don't do it.
☺️The paradox is explained by subconscious processes, beliefs, values, filters.
✨In my workshops I deal not just with "How Tos" but also build your WHYs so that you go and make the best of your capabilities.